Current Distribution

Learn how to use the Current Distribution dashboard

The Current Distribution dashboard is a Lite plan feature.


The Current Distribution dashboard provides a snapshot of your product's distribution. It shows the number of stores where each of your products is currently sold, with a breakdown by region. Use it to: 

  • See what percentage of the total estate each of your products are currently ranged in

  • Identify regional variances in distribution to see which areas are ripe for expansion.

Current Distribution

What's on screen

There are four components on-screen, from top to bottom:

  • KPI tiles: the KPI summary tiles along the top show you key metrics for the latest day. 
  • Product Breakdown bar chart: the bar for each product shows the number of stores ranged. The colour indicates the percentage of the total estate that the product is ranged in. 
  • Map: if region data is available for a retailer, the map shows the number of stores ranged across different regions. The map is coloured by the percentage of stores ranged in a region. If region data is unavailable, the map will display the total distribution for the UK.
  • Time series: the time series shows stocking points over the last 28 days.

💡 Stocking points are the total number of SKU / Store combinations

(eg. 10 SKUs in 5 stores = 50 stocking points)