Store Sales Report

Learn how to use the Store Sales Report dashboard

The Store Waste dashboard is a Professional plan feature.


The Store Sales Report helps you see which regions, formats and stores are driving your performance.  It shows trends for your sales metrics for key reporting periods broken down by store, region, format and SKU. 

  • See where your products sell best, and use this understanding to inform your proposals when preparing for a range review.

  • Spot product trends in different formats, such as online, to stay ahead of the curve.

Store Sales Report

Setting up the dashboard

The dashboard gives you three configuration options in the top bar, from left to right:

  • Level breakdowns: change whether the left-hand tables show Store, Region, Format, Category, Subcategory, Brand or SKU. 
    • Level breakdown 1: The default setting is Store.
    • Level breakdown 2: The default setting is SKU.
  • Select metric: Choose whether to display sales value or volume on the charts on the dashboard. The default setting is Sales Value.
  • Week Comparison: the period selected to compare against. If you select 'this year', the comparison is made against the directly preceding period of the same duration. Year to Date always compares against the previous year. The default setting is 'vs this Year'

What's on screen

There are three components on-screen, from top to bottom:

  • KPI tiles: the KPI summary tiles along the top show the selected metric over the different time periods; Year to Date, Last week and Week to Date, as well as the absolute percentage change from the selected comparison.
  • Tables: based on the chosen breakdown level, the tables on the left side of the screen display the selected metric and its variance to the selected comparison in two cells. The colour indicates the variance from the selected comparison. Hover over a cell for more information.
  • Time series: On the page's right are three charts showing the last 14 days of sales.
    • The first shows sales by day, with dark grey representing sales on the day and light grey for the same day last week or year, depending on your selected comparison.
    • The second time series shows the variance between the sales on the day and the same day from your selected comparison. 
    • The final time series shows the cumulative sales for the week, with the dark grey line representing cumulative sales this week and the light grey area representing the cumulative sales for your selected comparison week.