Asda Retail Link & Asda Data & Reporting

The current status relating to the impending replacement of Asda Retail Link

Asda are replacing Walmart's Retail Link DSS reporting system with the Asda Data & Reporting (ADR) application. SKUtrak currently sources your Asda data from Retail Link DSS and we will be transitioning to use ADR when that system is considered 'production ready'.

This page represents our current knowledge on Asda's data and our plan & progress towards switching to the new ADR application as the source of Asda data within SKUtrak.

We would advise all users to attend the daily Future Supplier Call; open to all suppliers by invitation of Asda. Rest assured, we will be attending these sessions daily to inform you of the latest data migration next steps with regards to SKUtrak.

What we know about Asda's transition from Retail Link DSS to ADR

  • Suppliers were given access to data in ADR on 1st July.
  • We continue to monitor the Future Supplier Call hosted by Asda, where we observe ongoing changes to ADR.
  • Asda have informed us directly that not all data is present, and Retail Link DSS should continue to be used for the foreseeable.
  • Retail Link DSS is not expected to start to degrade until the end of 2024.

Next steps

  • We have proposed a method of secure access to Asda and we are now testing this within Supplier Portal.
  • We will continue to use and support our Retail Link DSS connector as the only route to collect Asda trading data until further notice, in alignment with Asda guidance.
  • We are currently developing our connector for the new ADR application in Supplier Portal and will actively engage suppliers on this.
  • Any data collected from ADR during this development phase will remain in test environments until our new collector is put into production.

Updated: 26th September 2024