Data Glossary Overview Matrix


💡Use this handy guide to understand:

Metric definitions across Dashboards and SKUtrak Promote and TruDemand


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SKUtrak Dashboard Metrics




Sales Value

Electronic Point of Sales (EPOS) value recorded

Sales Volume

As above in units

Rate of Sale Value (RoS)

EPOS daily sales value recorded for each store ÷ by stores ranged

Rate of Sale Volume (RoS)

As above in units

Average Selling Price

Sales Value ÷ by Sales Volume

Waste Value

Bin Waste at retail price

Waste Value %

Wastage Value as a % of Sales Value

Waste Volume

As above in units

Waste Value %

Wastage Value as a % of Sales Value

Waste Value (Markdown)

Total value of markdown reductions

Waste Value (Bin Waste)

Total value of bin waste at retail price

Waste Volume (Markdown)

Total volume of markdown reductions

Waste Volume (Bin Waste)

Total volume of bin waste at retail price

Waste Volume %

As above in units

Availability %

The % of stores ranged where stock > 0

Lost Sales Value

IF no stock showing in-store and no sales recorded on the day

= Lost sales calculated by taking the average rate of sale on the day for stores with stock

IF no stock showing in-store but some sales recorded on the day

= Lost sales calculated by subtracting the amount sold from the average rate of sale for stores with stock

Lost Sales Volume

As above, in units

Lost Sales Value %

Lost Sales Value, as a % of Total Sales Value

Lost Sales Volume %

As above in units

Supplier Ordered

Number of cases ordered into depot

Supplier Matched

Number of cases delivered into depot

Supplier Credited

Number of cases not fulfilled

Depot Inbound  %

% of cases ordered which were fulfilled

Depot Ordered

Stock units ordered from depot into store on the original order date

Depot Matched

Stock units delivered from depot into store

Depot Credited

Stock units not fulfilled from depot into store

Store Inbound  %

% of stock ordered which was fulfilled from depot into store

Depot Stock

Stock units in depot

Store Stock

Stock units in store

Stock Cover

Number of days that current stock quantity in depot & store would last, based on the current sales forecast

Average Stores Ranged

Total number of stores a product is ranged in

Stores Selling

Total number of stores which sold a product on a given day

Sales Forecast

The sell-out sales forecast (in units)

Order Forecast

The retailer order forecast (in cases)



SKUtrak Promote and TruDemand Metrics





Sales Units

The total sales in units.


Gross Sales

Total sales from you to the retailer.

Gross Sales = Retailer Price × Sales Units

Total Investment

Total investment (trigger funding and fixed fee) incurred by the promotion.

Total Investment = (Sales Units × Retailer Discount) + Fixed Investment

Net Sales

Total sales on promotion after investment.

Net Sales = Gross Sales - Total Investment

Cost of Goods

Total COGS for the product sold on promotion.

Cost of Goods = Cost × Sales Units

Gross Profit

Gross Profit achieved in the promotional period.

Gross Profit = Net Sales - Cost of Goods

Gross Margin

Margin % achieved in the promotional period.

Gross Margin = Gross Profit ÷ Gross Sales

Retailer Sales Value

Total Retail Sales Value in the promotional period.


Retailer Gross Profit

Gross Profit achieved by the retailer in the promotional period.

Retailer Gross Profit = Retailer Sales Value + Total Investment - Gross Sales

Retailer Gross Margin

Gross Margin achieved by the retailer in the promotional period.

Retailer Gross Margin = Retailer Gross Profit ÷ Retailer Sales Value

Base Price

The estimated non-promo price of the product in pounds sterling, calculated daily.


Promotion Flag

A daily indicator of whether the product was on promotion:

  • 1: Product was on promotion.
  • 0: Product was not on promotion.


Decomp Baseline Sales

Sales achieved from baseline demand which would have existed regardless of any promotional activity.


Decomp Promotion Sales

Sales achieved on top of baseline demand due to promotional activity.


Decomp Lost Sales Availability

Sales missed due to poor on-shelf availability.


Decomp Lost Sales Cannibalisation

Sales missed due to promotional activity on another product.


Decomp Unexplained Sales

Sales achieved on top of baseline demand which cannot be attributed to a promotion.


Baseline Sales

Baseline Sales estimate demand for the product on a given day, excluding promotional effects.

  • Historical Baseline Sales measures past baseline demand.
  • Forecast Baseline Sales predict demand 18 months into the future, assuming no changes to base price or distribution.





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