Export data: estate, store and depot level guide

Learn how to export estate, store and depot-level data with SKUtrak Exports

SKUtrak's Exports section makes it easy to download harmonised retailer data in one place. It gives you complete control over the retailers, products, time period and metrics to include in your data download. 

How to export data:

  1. Click on Exports in the top navigation bar.
  2. Once in Exports, click on + Create Export in the top right corner. 
  3. Create a name for your export file (optional) within the Export Configuration tab.
  4. The Export Classification on the far left controls which product classifications (description, subcategory and category) are available to filter on the far right tab. (Please note, you can select just one retailer at a time when using Retailer classification).
  5. Configure your Export:
    1. Select which retailers to include using the filters on the left (all of your connected retailers are selected by default)
    2. Choose the date range you would like to export by, and the time period to include. The options available, with unlimited dates dependent on the data available, are:
      1. Day
      2. Calendar Week
      3. Retailer Week
      4. Month
    3. Select the metrics you would like to download using the Data Selection tab. Choose whether to export by Product, Product by Depot or Product by Store and select the specific metrics underneath. 

      Distribution metrics:
      (SR) By Stores Ranged: the number of stores that a product should be sold in.
      (SS) By Stores Stocked: the number of stores that actually has stock of the product on a given day (note: this is typically slightly lower than the total number of Stores Ranged).
      (SS) By Stores Selling: the number of stores that register a sale of a product on any given day/week (note: this will nearly always be lower than Stores Stocked and Stores Ranged, as not all products are sold in every store on every day)
    4. Use the Add filters tab on the far right to filter your export to specific products, stores or depot locations.
  6. Click Preview to see a sample before downloading. Note: the preview will only return a maximum of 50 rows.
  7. Click Export to trigger your export. Once ready, you will be able to download your export from the Exports landing page. Note: this may take a few minutes depending on data size and the status overview will show when you click back into the Export section.

Exporting multiple retailers data by retailer week

Note: when exporting data by retailer week type for multiple retailers, the ‘date’ column within the export will show each retailer’s week (i.e W40 2023). It is important to note that due to their different financial calendars, these weeks will not align.

In addition, depending on the start and end date selected within filters, it is possible that the first and last weeks included within your export will be incomplete.



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