How to create a promotion using SKUtrak Promote

Learn how to plan, build and save a promotion using SKUtrak Promote.

Getting Started

Follow the steps below to get started by setting up your first promotion.

Step 1: Navigate to the Promotion Section

Before we start, you will need to navigate to the Promotions section. You can find it in the top menu bar, to the right of 'Exports'. Clicking on Promotions will take you to the opening page, which should look similar to the screenshot below.


Step 2: Create a promotion

Now we can create our promotion. Click the "+Create Promotion" button in the top right of the screen.

Step 3: Details on the promotion

A pop-up will appear asking you to enter details about the promotion:

Step 4: Filling in details 

Choose a promotion to analyse. We recommend using a promotion that has already ended here so that you can see its results immediately.

Enter the following details about the promotion into the pop-up:

  • Promotion Name: Give a name to your promotion to make it easy to find later, for example "Asda 2 for £2 Snacks - October 2023"
  • Retailer: Select a retailer for the promotion.
  • Campaign (optional): Choose a campaign that you would like to link the promotion to. Campaigns can be used to group related promotions together for later analysis.
  • Start Date: The first day the promotion will be active in-store. NOTE: There is a known issue with the date selector. To open it, click slightly to the right of the calendar icon.
  • End Date: The last day the promotion will be active in-store. NOTE: There is a known issue with the date selector. To open it, click slightly to the right of the calendar icon.
  • Mechanic: Select a mechanic for the promotion. NOTE: Currently, price Discount is the only mechanic available.
  • Supplier Promo ID (optional): Your organisation's unique identifier for the promotion. This can be useful if you already have your promotions logged in another system, such as a TPM, and would like the ability to link them later.
  • Description (optional): A free text field allowing you to enter a more detailed description of the promotion.

Once you have entered the details for your promotion, click 'Save' to create it.


Step 5: Add products to the promotion

You will now see a screen showing your promotion. The next step is to add products to the deal. 

Click 'Edit Promotion' in the top-right to enter editing mode:


Now, click the '+ADD NEW' button within the products section to add a product:


Step 6: Product details

A card will appear, allowing you to enter details about the product:

Enter the following information:

  1. Supplier product: Select the product you want to add from the drop-down. Only 'supplier' products can be selected; if you haven't entered your product mappings within SKUtrak's Product Data Management tools, you will need to do this first. Follow this guide to get started. TIP: you can enter your product code in the search bar to speed up searching.
  2. Deal: Next, enter information about the discount which will be offered in-store:
    1. Off-Promo Price: The product's current base selling price off-promotion.
    2. Discount %: The percentage discount that will be applied to the product's selling price during the promotion.
    3. Promo Price: The price the product will be sold for during the promotion. NOTE: This field is automatically calculated based on the discount.
  3. Terms: Enter financial details about the product to allow SKUtrak to construct a P&L for the promotion:
    1. Cost: The product's per-unit Cost of Goods (COGS).
    2. Retailer Price: The product's normal per-unit sale price from you to the retailer, excluding the promotional discount.
    3. Retailer Discount: The per-unit trigger discount applied to the product to fund the promotion. This must be entered in GBP.

      NOTE: If you do not wish to enter financial information, you can fill each field with a zero to prevent an error. 
  4. Forecast: Finally, provide SKUtrak with your volume forecast for the promotion:
    1. Baseline Units: The baseline shows the total projected baseline sales in units for the promotional period. The baseline field is automatically populated using the baseline generated by SKUtrak's AI-based TruDemand baseline model.
    2. Uplift %: The percentage uplift you expect the promotion to generate.
    3. Forecast Units: The total forecast sales in units for the promotional period. The forecast is automatically calculated by applying the uplift you have entered to the Baseline Units. For example, if the Baseline Units field shows 100, and you have entered an Uplift % of 50%, the Forecast Units field will show 150.

Once you have entered all of the required information, click 'Update' to add your product to the promotion. Repeat these steps for any additional products.


Step 7: Consider any additional promotion support

Once you have added your products to the promotion, you may wish to enter details about additional investments you have made to support it, such as purchasing a Gondola End. You can do this using the 'Promotional Support' section.

Click the '+ADD NEW' button in the Promotional Support section:

A card will appear with two options:

  • Space Type: the type of support you want to add to the promotion with varying options including Gondola End, Front of Store, Clip Strip and Off-shelf display.
  • Fee: the cost of the support in GBP.

Step 8: Save your promotion and commit it to your plan

Now we've finished entering details about our promotion, all that is left is to save it and commit it to our plan.

Click 'Save Promotion' in the top right. NOTE: Make sure to save it before navigating away, or all of your changes will be lost!

Now the changes have been saved, your promotion is still only in ‘Draft’ status. Discover what these mean in our guide here

To understand how to optimise and evaluate your promotional activity - please visit our glossary here.